Episode 23
How to Use LinkedIn and Email to Turn Cold Leads into Paying Customers
Are you struggling to bring in more leads and prospective clients? In this episode, Ty Frankel is talking to us about cold outreach and how you can utilize cold outreach through both email and LinkedIn to find more leads and start closing more sales.
Nick (00:00): The most downloaded episode to date was one we did back in episode 10, with Daniel, where we talked about getting more leads through cold email outreach. Well, I thought no better way to roll into the holiday season break than to finish up with another episode about a very similar topic. So today on the podcast, I have Ty Frankel who started in the online business space when he was a teenager. And now he recently launched Shutdown Emails where he helps clients get more leads in the B2B space through, you guessed, it cold email. And not only that, he's recently adopted the cold outreach tactics that he used in email over into LinkedIn as a part of his strategy. So today on the podcast, we're going to be talking about how Ty specifically uses email and LinkedIn to grow his list of leads and ultimately get more sales and clients. Make sure you stick around until the very end of this recording. I'll have an update as to how things will be running as we move into the holiday season. But before we get into all that, let's get you guys right into the interview with Ty.
Nick (01:05): This is the Nine-Five Podcast and I'm your host, Nick Nalbach where we get into the minds of entrepreneurs and people just like you. So you can start, build and grow your own online business.
Nick (01:23): Alright, welcome to the Nine-Five Podcast. If you are a return visitor, welcome back. Glad to have you here. If you are new, welcome to the show. This is the podcast where we bring on entrepreneurs and business owners so that we can kind of pick their brains and ultimately help you become a better business owner and grow your own business. So today on the podcast I have Ty Frankel. So Ty, welcome to the Nine-Five Podcast, man.
Ty (01:48): Thank you so much, Nick. Appreciate you having me on.
Nick (01:49): Now, we're bringing you on here today to talk about cold email outreach and not even just cold email outreach, but just outreach in general cold outreach. And this is similar in a sense to a topic that we had back in episode 10, where we talked about cold email outreach, but I'm very interested to get into your story and how you came about because you've got a lot of stuff going on around. You built a lot of stuff around cold outreach, so I'm really excited to hear your story. Why don't you give everybody the listeners a little bit of an idea of who you are and what it is you're actually doing?
Ty (02:23): So hey everyone. I'm Ty Frankel. I'm 23 born in Israel. I'm Israeli American. Um, when I was 14, I started producing hip hop. You know, I fell in love with hip hop when I was like five or six. I remember listening to Outkast, stain Coney on my little CD player that I had. Yeah. I started making music for TV and film when I was 18 read, some books got into like self-help, it was self-development Twitter back then in like 2016 reading tons of books, um, building my own company, starting my company, Shutdown Media in 2017, 18 since then, I mean, we've grown to, we have, we have eight employees about 40 50 musicians on our roster and we've, you know, assigned six figure a year deals with Red Bull and Universal Music. And our clients include like Warner and BMG, Sony, all these big clients. I mean we've had music and Fortnite and NBA 2K and the super bowl, um, NBA finals, pretty much anything you could think of any like big form of media, big form of content. And we got all of that through cold emailing. So literally all of the clients that we got as an agency, as a music agency have been through just years and years and years of cold email, I've been, I've been doing cold email for over 10 years since I was 13, I had a hip hop blog called Dungeons of rap. So I got interviews with like hip hop legends. So all the way back then I've been doing just cold emails, probably sent over 50,000 in my life.
Nick (03:35): That is insane. That is an awesome story. By the way, I'm a huge hip hop fan. I, I don't know. I've been all about it since basically since college, I got really big into hip hop and I dunno that's if I had to pick a genre, that's where I would live in. Here's what kind of, if you can say, I don't know if you can say on there, what kind of hip hop artists have you had interviews with and had chats with?
Ty (03:56): When I was 13, 14. It wasn't like the big ones, but it was some legends like Masta ACE who's Eminem's idol. He's like a underground hip hop legend. Talk to Masta Ace, talk to John Connor who back in the day he was on Dr. Drai's last album. He different content.
Nick (04:12): Yeah, dude, there was a, he did a remix album. It was like all M and M songs. And he like remix every single one of them. And I just geeked out over that, that album. I thought it was so fricking cool.
Ty (04:23): That's fire man. Yeah, dude. He's so talented and he's been in it for a while. So I interviewed him 10 years ago.
Nick (04:28): That's crazy. Is he still, is he still going? I haven't seen anything recently on him.
Ty (04:33): He is, but I just checked. I actually just checked his Spotify a couple of weeks ago and it doesn't look like he's doing and he's still making really good music, but it doesn't look like he's at the place. I thought he would have been. I thought he would have been like at the top of the rap game, back in the day, especially when he started working with Dre.
Nick (04:47): Oh yeah. That's as soon as I saw that, I was like, Oh hell, he's he's going to be the next. He's gonna be the next Eminem or the next big name star
Ty (04:56): Anderson. Paxton was on the same album and he popped off, you know, as an artist.
Nick (04:59): Yeah. That's that's crazy. Well that's, that's really cool man. And cold email got you there. That's super cool. I can't wait to dive into that. Before we do that, something I like to do with all the guests that are bringing the show. I like to ask them what their super power is. And for anybody who's new to the show, or if you haven't listened to the podcast yourself, when I say super power, I want to know what is that one thing that you are the man at? Either someone comes to you, if they need advice with this thing, or you just think that you crush it in this area, what do you think your superpower would be?
Ty (05:27): Well I think what separates what I do. And I've seen this at the music industry level, and I've seen this at the just cold email agency level. I'm really good at like systemizing stuff and making everything into processes and getting ready to scale. Like if you don't have any systems or processes, you can't scale your. So I'm a really, really good at that. I mean, I don't mean to be arrogant. I'm bad at a lot of different things, but that's something that I'm, I've just like really taken pride in doing, I mean, you know, we had eight employees that Shutdown Media and like, I think four or five were full-time and it's just like, we had hundreds and hundreds of processes and we were on Notion and on Trello and on Slack and they all just integrated and it was like a really well-oiled machine. And I really took pride in, in building that. Yeah, that's something, I think that is my super power for sure.
Nick (06:11): I like that. That I think that's a really good superpower. It's something that I try to do in my day-to-day business, but I, I feel like I spend a little bit more time focused on that than doing what actually needs to get done. So I'm curious. At what point do you start really systemizing everything? Is it kind of a slow build to kind of automate and integrate everything? Or is it from day one? Are you focused on systemizing?
Ty (06:33): Well with Shutdown Media. We didn't start systemizing almost anything until May, 2019. And I had one employee. She was from Russia, shout out to Anya. That's my girl. Um, we've been, we were working together for about a year. I didn't even know when she was clocking into work. I didn't know when she was going out of work. I paid her $600 a month. And then in may I read a couple of books, like Built to Sell and I listened to like a podcast and evolved it. Um, and it just really changed my mindset. Like Neval was like, know if you're in an industry for this long, like you got to juice, everything you can out of it. Don't just pivot. That kind of changed my mindset. Cause I was like, Oh, where are we really going with Shutdown? So that changed my mindset on that and then Built to Sell.
Ty (07:06): It just like, you need to create systems and processes or you're not going to be able to ever sell your company. You're going to have to do, what's called an earn-out when someone buys your company, they're like, Hey, could you stay on for five years. Or else, We're not buying your company. And I was like, all right, well, if I want to sell it, I want to just be able to sell it. Um, and also systems help you scale. So that really changed my mindset on that. I started doing systems May, 2019, but I haven't really told anyone. I mean, I told a couple of people, but not made it public kind of disbanding Shut Down Media. And we're just going forward with Shut Down Emails now. So I had to stop working with a couple of employees. We're telling our clients and producers and everyone. Um, but we Shutdown Emails. We've started creating systems day one. So I'm not going to make that mistake again. If we started creating systems in day one with on the music side, we would have been a lot more successful, a lot quicker. With Shut Down Emails, day one, whenever we do something once, right away, make it into a system. Yeah. And I could obviously keep speaking about that and like exactly how we create systems. I think that could be pretty cool thing to talk about too.
Nick (08:00): Yeah. I'm I'm curious. What kind of, so you were saying you were using Trello, Slack, you're integrating all these things together. Why don't you talk about that? Just a little bit on how you actually started out with systemizing Shut Down Emails.
Ty (08:14): So with Shut Down Emails, every single thing that we do, we create a system around it. So me as entrepreneur, I'm trying as much as possible to take myself out of the business. Meanwhile, making sure that everything that's being done is at the same quality that I would do it at at least 95% of the way there.
Nick (08:31): Yeah. And, um, I'm actually gonna stop you there too. Cause you, you did say something, you trying to basically systemize the, pull yourself out of the business. And when Ty saying that, pretty sure I'm following where he's going. He's not necessarily pulling himself out of the business entirely, but he's pulling himself out of certain processes so where he can focus on the things that actually matter. If he can systemize and automate a lot of stuff on the backend, now he can focus on the stuff that really brings in the money.
Ty (08:56): Exactly. So once I systemize something, I'm never doing it again, basically. Right? So systemizing is basically delegating in a way where every system you create, every process you create, you know, you have to have the team in place or the automation in place. Um, but that's something that you're never going to have to do again, you know, it's good. If you're the entrepreneur, you create the systems, that's always good to know how it's supposed to be done so that if your team does it, you know, if they made a mistake or, you know, if something's not right. So I really like doing that. Yeah. That's great.
Nick (09:24): Perfect. All right, man, let's get into cold email or cold outreach in general. I want to focus on email from the, for the first part of this episode. And then I do want to get into LinkedIn because I know you've been making some massive progress in the LinkedIn space as well. How effective? I always been obviously been pretty effective, but how effective is cold email outreach?
Ty (09:44): Well, it's not it's, it depends. I mean, if you're in the B2C space, like if you're an e-com company with a product, like a pretty low, low price product, it's effective, but you don't want to email everyone on a personal level. You have like an email list, which I know people on Twitter, there's like three or four that I know that do this. And they make a killing because they do great work. They make a lot of money for their clients. They just send email, blast out, like really well-written email blast with visuals and things like that to sell products to their email list. So they obviously have opt-in and they get their emails. But in terms of like B2B, I think cold email is just as valuable as like paid ads. It's it's right there. The ROI. I mean, you have to have a high ticket offer.
Ty (10:21): Like you can't sell something for $300. You know, like every client you bring in is $300. That doesn't make sense. But if you have a high ticket offer, like you do marketing or you do solar panels or you do, um, my landlord, he has a lightning rod company. They do lightning rod installations for, uh, for home builders and oil rigs out in out, no DESA, Midland, Texas, if you have a high ticket offer and you're selling B2B cold email is a really, really great personal way of, um, getting tons of leads, you know? And that's what I've seen on the music side for us. It was relatively simple and straightforward and easy to get in with companies like Red Bull and Universal Music and Warner as a 17, 18, 19 year old kid. Yeah.
Nick (10:59): I'm curious. Why do you think cold email is, is so effective? I mean, we've all gotten the emails where it's someone trying to sell you on something or you get the spam emails and you're like, okay, well I'm just going to ignore that. What is it about how you do your process or kind of get in this, into this a little bit deeper later on the episode, but I guess I'm, if someone hears cold email, they're thinking, okay, well that's spam,
Ty (11:21): Right? I don't blame him. That's I mean, that's,
Nick (11:25): Is it, uh, how is it effective? Like how can it be effective? I guess?
Ty (11:28): Well, it's not, I mean, just like anything it's not effective, 99% of people who do it are not going to be good at it. They're not going to be effective at it. They just don't know enough. They don't have enough experience. They don't do the right things. And you know, the cold email that gets sent to you and you send it to spam and we all receive it. That's the email that's not effective. Right. But an email that like, okay, let's say you have an email sequence, five or six emails. It's about you. So you write, Hey, first name, you write a personalized first-line about someone. Like you look them up any at any recent achievements, any case studies, maybe their company put out and you give them a compliment and you make a genuine, you create a genuine thought around that compliment. So it's not just saying loved, loved your company or love the way you do this.
Ty (12:09): You're saying the way you do this is this like really cool, really great work doing this. Like for example, if you're emailing a marketing company, they put a case study, they increased, uh, supplement companies, revenue by 50%, right. You're kind of familiar with the supplement space. You're like, it's crazy that you increase that you increased this company's revenue by 50%. You named the company like in three months, whatever, let's say the case study say that. And then you could say something like, that's such a competitive space. So it's like, wow, the person who's receiving it. Like, they really researched me. They know me, they know my company, they know my space that I'm in. So now that just opens them up, okay, I'm going to read the rest of the email and I'm going to be receptive to this person because if they did a research about me right in my company, that means that whatever they're offering their service could be of use to me. It's not like they're blindly sending it out. They did actual research on me and my company. So that means, you know, they, they know that their service or product, whatever they're offering would work for my company. And that's kind of where the shift starts. So you have to make it personal. And then there's a whole bunch of other things you can do as well in the email with the follow up emails and things like that. Just to take it to the next level.
Nick (13:13): Now with cold or Shut Down Emails, talk about what that actually is. What is that service?
Ty (13:20): With Shut Down Emails basically what we do is we work with high ticket B2B business owners. So whatever they're doing, their product or service, they're selling it to other businesses, high ticket. So whenever they get a client, it has to be at least, you know, they make $10,000 in revenue on average off of it. Um, and we're in different niches. I mean, we do a lot of SEO, PPC stuff, you know, in terms of working with clients in that space. And then we work with more boring niches that maybe older people own those businesses, like, you know, um, solar energy, human resources, recruitment, things like that to where maybe you wouldn't expect, you know, the first thing when you're getting into marketing, those are more, those are niches that are more obscure. You wouldn't like, look at them like when you're getting into maybe doing cold emails, potentially you wouldn't look at those nieces right away.
Ty (14:05): And we do. Yeah. So we offer our clients, you know, at least 10 qualified calls, um, a month qualified sales calls that we get them through cold email. We combined some LinkedIn stuff with it too, which, which I think we'll get two per month. Right. And they pay us a monthly fee. If we don't get to the 10 calls a month, we actually pay them a hundred dollars. So they don't have to pay us. We pay them their money back and we actually pay them a hundred dollars because that's how confident we are in, in getting there, getting results for them. Yeah,
Nick (14:31): So it's obviously something that works, which I think is awesome. So I guess walk me through some of this process here, where, where do we actually begin looking if we have this high ticket item that we're trying to, I guess, push to another business, like you said, it was primarily B2B is where you see the most success. So that's where your focus is. We have this high ticket, where do we start actually looking for these leads to actually reach out to?
Ty (14:55): So LinkedIn has a great feature. Well, first of all, get premium and then you have to get Sales Navigator. So LinkedIn Sales Navigator, it just, the search, how you can search is just so specific. You can, for example, by region, by city, by title. So you can look up, let's say CEOs of founders or founders of certain companies, um, you can look up the companies by how many employees they have. So one to two, and then I think it's like two to 10 and then 11 to 50 and 50 to two 49. It just gets so, so, so specific that you could use. Yeah.
Nick (15:25): So sorry to cut you off. Is that Sales Navigator, is that like baked into LinkedIn?
Ty (15:28): It is baked into LinkedIn. Yeah. It's one of the things they offer. Yeah.
Nick (15:31): Sweet. Okay. So, sorry. Sorry to cut you off there.
Ty (15:34): No, it's all good.
Ty (15:35): It's all good. So yeah, you could use that and basically find leads. And then what we do is we get them, there's a website called the Rocket Reach, Rocket Reach, I think .co and it's kind of expensive. You know, it costs 30 about 30 cents. The email, depending on the plan you get, but you can find pretty much anyone's email. So then we just get their email off Rocket Reach. Um, we're kind of experiencing, uh, experimenting a little bit with, um, with, uh, email scrapers now with email scrapers now, like D7, Lead Finder, IC leads, things like that. But once you get their email, you know, you just clean it, you put it through like a cleaning software and you just make sure that it won't bounce because if it does balance and you get a lot of bounces, it messes up your domain and things like that. But if it doesn't bounce cool, it's clean. Cool. We start writing our first lines out, getting, we put, we have like different sheets on Google sheets with all their different information and we just plug it into our, uh, email software. We use Mailshake to basically send all the emails out, send the email sequence.
Nick (16:27): Okay. Yeah, I'm familiar with Mailshake. I've not used it, but I've heard a lot of people talk and have good things to say about it for everybody listening to the podcast. Right now, Ty's going through a lot of different tools and software and all that. I will have links to all of these tools in the show notes. So don't worry about trying to hurry up and write down and take notes on everything that he's talking about here. They will be in the show notes. So you will be able to get access to that.
Ty (16:49): I mean, you can also rewind right?
Nick (16:51): Exactly. Or listen to it again because we're having a good time here on the podcast. Well, now, um, I'm curious, uh, you're going into the LinkedIn, the Sales Navigator. You're obviously going in with a specific criteria of people that you're wanting to reach out to. Is that, is that something that's pretty standard across the board? When you go onto LinkedIn, you're looking for people. Is there a standard criteria that you're looking for?
Ty (17:16): Yeah. I mean, we're just, we're looking for companies in our group of niches and then we're looking for our decision makers at that, at those companies. So for a company that has maybe two to 10 employees, it's probably the CEO or founder, but then a company that has maybe 11 to 49 50, that could be the chief marketing officer, head of marketing, someone like that. Um, but we're always trying to find the CEO or founder of a company just to get to them.
Nick (17:38): Right. So you're looking at the top of the top of the funnel there.
Ty (17:41): Yeah. We don't work too much with like huge companies that have like thousands of employees, if that was the case. If we ever branched out to that area, uh, we would definitely not reach out to the CEO's. We would reach out to like the head of marketing.
Nick (17:54): Okay. Gotcha. All right. Does that make sense? So we're looking for small to medium sized businesses that are within our niche, and we want to try to find CEOs CFOs somewhere up at the top. That makes sense to me now, after we kind of get these leads, I know you had mentioned first lines. That's something that we kind of talked about back in episode 10. What is your process for actually writing these first lines? Obviously you need some kind of, I guess, personal connection or some kind of personal line that you're reaching out to them with. What is your process in regards to actually writing those out?
Ty (18:24): So what my process is I have two copywriters on our team and they're very, well-paid, they're not from the Philippines are not from Bangladesh, are not from India. English is their first language. They're trained copywriters. That's the first thing. Second thing is that, you know, well, the copywriters we bring on, we brought on, they haven't done this type of thing before. So I created videos and videos and videos of me just creating these first lines and kind of explaining what I do in my thought process. And then I created this database five bad first lines, five mediocre, first lines, five good first lines. And I said, okay, here are five bad first lines. Why are they bad? How to fix them. Fixed first line, and then why? And then all the bad ones, and then all the mediocre ones, same thing, mediocre first line.
Ty (19:02): Why is it mediocre? How to fix it. And then the great first line that I fixed it on that I fixed it with, you know, uh, it turned it into, um, and then the good first lines as well. I just create, put five good first lines, explain why they're really good, great first lines. And then I have that. And then I have all these different guidelines and things to look for and things not to do. Don't say free, don't say amazing LinkedIn. I mean, LinkedIn Gmail sends those to spam right away. If you put those in an email. Um, but all these little tips like that, I kind of gathered in one Notion page for our copywriters and they basically have access to that every day. And I made sure that they study it and actually quizzed them on it before they started doing their first lines.
Nick (19:36): Hmm. Yeah. Interesting. So what does make a great first line?
Ty (19:39): A compliment plus your thought, your own unique thought and potentially some market insight that demonstrates that you're familiar with the market that they're in, right. If you're familiar with the market, they know that, okay, you've vetted them and you've vetted the market and you think your service is good for them specifically as a company.
Nick (19:53): Yeah. That kind of establishes your authority or your expertise in the space, but at the same time, you're kind of bragging them up a little bit. Kinda Make them feel good.
Ty (20:01): Absolutely. Absolutely And it has to, you know, if you can find something about a specific person, like if they won an award or if they did something that's better, but if not, you can just say something about their company and that's fine, like either.
Nick (20:13): And is that, I mean, that's as simple as a Google search, looking up the company and seeing what they've done in the, in the space or whatever your industry is.
Ty (20:20): Yeah, exactly. It's just a Google search. They're on LinkedIn. A lot of the times I look to see if I look up the person's name and I look up podcasts right after to see if they've been on a podcast in the past 6 to 12 months. And if they have, I'll just listen to it three, four, maybe I'll kind of read the podcast show notes too. And sometimes that'll kind of give you insight, but I try to find something that, you know, I can make a comment about a compliment about, um, even if it's not a compliment, it's just that it is kind of a compliment because you're saying that you listened to their podcast. So that's kind of a, it's kind of a compliment baked in there. So, you know, for example, let's say there's a social media manager and they did a podcast.
Ty (20:53): They said, Oh, you know, I get addicted to social media so easily because I'm on it. It's my job. It's good for me to take breaks from time to time. And then I kind of make a compliment about a comment about that. I kind of spin it, you know, just watch it, just listen to your, your, this, your podcast name, pod episode was, was great. You know, and then I kind of make a comment or insight on that specific thing that she said, and maybe liking it back to myself. Like I have a hard time getting off social media too, which is true. I mean, you want to be genuine at the same time. Right? I think people can see through that.
Nick (21:22): Yeah. That's I was going to actually make that point being true to yourself. I mean, and genuine that's ultimately, like you said, it's going to shine through when you're not when you're BS-ing. So being genuine, I mean, people relate to that a lot better. So I think that's an awesome point. So where do, where do people go wrong when they've done cold email outreach? I'm sure you've had people coming in to reach out to you because they want to hire your services because they've tried it themselves and they've failed miserably at it. Have you seen some major mistakes that people are making when they do their cold email outreach?
Ty (21:52): Well, if someone reaches out to us, to try their services and it's not a good cold email, I'll still at least take a look at it because it doesn't matter. You know, as long as they have a really great service and we would want to work with them, you know, they're already getting leads in other ways, high ticket service. They do really great work and they have a market that's cool. But in the music industry, I've gotten tons of cold emails from musicians that try to work with us. Right. I mean, we've had huge placements, so, and we're at one Instagram, things like that. So it makes sense. Um, a lot of them were just like, Hey, check out my music. And then they included a song. Um, or a lot of them talked about them and like, I've, I'm a classically trained this for 25. I've been playing piano for 25 years and blah, blah, blah.
Ty (22:30): That's where you go wrong. Like, you don't want to talk about yourself as a company at all, how long you've been in business, what you do, whatever. No one cares. Just how can it help me? What would have helped me as a, in the music business would have been if I, if you had great music. So just be like, Hey, blah, blah, blah, Hey, Ty, first line, I make this, this, and this type of music. Here's the link to some of my stuff. Let me know what you think. Um, that type of thing, that, or that would have been great, you know, but a lot of musicians just either have a super, super long email, which has a whole bunch of shit I don't want to listen to, I just delete it right away, frankly. Um, than they have a super short email, that's just like, Hey, check out my music. And it's like, I'm not,
Nick (23:05): That was actually, that was going to be my next question is how long are these emails supposed to be? Obviously you don't want to give them a whole backstory, like you said, don't care. Get to the point. So you basically, you come in, Hey, Ty, here's what I got going on. Saw you on this podcast or saw what you did hear about. That was great. Relates to me. Here's my product done.
Ty (23:23): Basically. And then in the, here's my product and you want to liken it back to them. Um, you're not liking it. You want to kind of explain how it would help them in, in one to two sentences, like kind of show off. You're kind of showing off basically is what you're doing, right? Like if you're a PPC agency, you would be like, you know, Hey, first name, personalized first line. And cool. And then you would talk about your product. Like my name's Jeff, you know, I own this company. Um, we just raised X company's revenue by 40,000 in three months with our Facebook ads. So let's, let's hop on a call and talk about it. Or you would just say, it's hard to construct something like on the spot right now, but, and I, and I go proofreading everything and I make sure to, to change it actually like I proofread emails four or five, six times before I send them off, um, especially sequences, but something like that. And then you'd say, you know, maybe we can do it for you, something like that. And then you freed up our, you wouldn't say you free, you want to hop on a call about it this week, or can you hop on a call about this and the next couple of days, something like that.
Nick (24:18): So is that with the email, is the goal to get the call or the goal to get the sale with that email?
Ty (24:24): No, you're not even thinking about the sale because you don't know that the goal is to get the call, to see if their business will even be a good fit to work. In music It's a little different. Like if you did research on someone, for example, they did a research on us. They know how much we offered. We pay up front, they know what kind of placements we got. Cool. You wouldn't even be selling us a call in that case, you just be selling the music, but especially service-based businesses in the B2B space, 90 something percent, I mean a big majority of them. You just want to sell the phone call and you don't know that they would be a good fit for your services until you get on the call and qualify that, you know, for us as a company, I mean, we're not going to work with people whose offers too low, or, you know, don't sell something to a certain person.
Ty (24:59): If they have like 20 services and sell it to like 30 different people, we can't work with you. And also we have like tons of other questions. I mean, just in our qualification, uh, what we do, but we need to know exactly, exactly, exactly who you are. Um, to know if we could really get results for you and if we can get results for you, then we'll be able to work together. If not, then maybe I'll recommend you to someone else that does something a little bit different that can get results for you. Um, but we won't be able to work together,
Nick (25:24): Right? No, I I'm really glad you said that. Cause that's something I wanted to make a point of with this episode, we're talking about cold email and you're kind of pitching your business or your product, whatever it is, but we're doing it without expecting to get that sale. It's not, you're going to send out all these emails, do a bunch of first lines, a bunch of personalized emails, and then start bringing in all these sales. It's basically taking a cold, cold lead, not even a lead at that time and making them a warm lead. We're not shooting for the sale. I think that's very good point.
Ty (25:53): Yeah, Nick. Exactly. That's exactly what it is. I mean, why would you want to sell something somewhat? Why would you want to sell someone? Something that you don't even know? If it's a good fit? You know, you want to just sell the phone call and then if the phone call goes well in the business, you know, you can do whatever it is you do for them. Then you could go into your pitch or whatever.
Nick (26:09): Excellent. Okay. Something that, I mean, this, this one could pertain to both the call itself and the email. Even if you are trying to pitch like the benefits of your product for that company, maybe it is a good fit for that company. How do you do that in a way that's not coming off, like over the top salesmen, salesy, like I'm trying to sell you this used car. I feel like there's a very fine line between being like enthusiastic. Like this thing is a good fit for both of us. I can tell and like me trying to push my product at you.
Ty (26:42): Yes. That's another great question, man. What you really want to do, number one is mindset. And you want to have an abundance mentality and you want to write your emails with an abundance mentality. And personally, I don't care if I get the sale or not. And you have to kind of take your emotions out of it. And I don't care if I get a nasty response because you're going to get responses. If you send four or five emails in a row, unsolicited, you know, this is unsolicited. No one's asking you to send no one signing up, opting in, still works great. But some people from time to time get mad and they send you swear words or whatever. That's cool. You just kind of have to say, all right, thank you. Well, I wish you the best of luck and you can block them if you want, because they were mean, but, um, you can't really say anything back at them. You just gotta maybe take a deep breath because you know, people are mean on the internet. Um, but what was the question? What was the question?
Nick (27:28): Like, how did that come up? How are we not coming off salesy?
Ty (27:31): Yeah, that was okay. Went into a different tangent. How do you not come off? Salesy is you have that abundance mentality, like I said, and you talk about the benefits, right? So if you talk about the features, like if you're talking about a car, I don't know anything about cars, but it has 20 gigahertz. And maybe that's a computer thing, but this much horsepower and this year, blah, blah, blah, or whatever, like, no, you want to talk about like, man, picture yourself on Sunset Boulevard at 6:00 PM, with the music blasting, like the wind blowing through your head. Like, that's kind of what you want to do in the email where it's kind of like, how could you help me? I don't give a F about your company. I don't give a, I don't really care about what it is you do at all. I just care.
Ty (28:08): What can you do for me? So don't talk really anything about just maybe one little mention of what you do. Okay. We do Facebook ads, whatever, but then just go into like how you can help them. And like, that's the thing you need to do market research. So before we ever get into a niche, we have like two or three consultations with people like figureheads in that industry, we do this for clients, for new clients that we bring on, we have two or three consultations in their niche and we do this for new niches that we try to get clients in. Right. So just, if we have all these questions that we asked, like 20, 30, 40 questions consultations, we pay them like a hundred, 200, two 50 hour just to get in their mind. And then we use that like, okay, what are their pain points? How can we solve their pain points? And we use that. We kind of frame the email in that way. Like, how can we solve your pain points? And it's kind of a five or six email drip. So we don't put everything in email one. We don't put it in email two it's about five or six emails. And we get responses on the first email. Sometimes we get responses on the, on the last email. Okay.
Nick (29:01): And now with these sequences, is this, this sequence is starting before the call or is this after the call?
Ty (29:08): Yeah. So the sequence is starting before the call and they, you know, once they replied the sequence is over. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Nick (29:16): If they don't reply to the first one, then another email comes out. Then another email
Ty (29:19): Comes out. We typically keep that
Nick (29:21): You said around five emails before you just cut. Okay.
Ty (29:25): Five or six. I mean we, and then, you know, if they don't reply, we just put them in another sheet and we probably contact them three, four, five, six months down the road. And we add them on LinkedIn and engage with our content. And whenever the time comes that they might need our services, we're there. We're at top of mind.
Nick (29:39): Absolutely. Now how important is the follow up?
Ty (29:41): Well, I saw some stats recently and it might be wrong, but I think a minority of emails get respond like maybe 20% of emails get responded to, you know, overall on the first email. So 80%, 70 to 80% of emails, you're going to get responded to with one of the, one of the followups you do. So if you're not doing followups will congrats, you're losing 80% of the sale of your sales. So it's how important are followups. I mean, if you want a 5X, what you do, That's pretty important.
Nick (30:08): It's everything. Yeah. I mean, I know I've got emails come through and I've been kind of interested and then I kind of pushed it to the side. I forget about it. And then that, that follow up email comes through. I'm like, Oh yeah. Now I have time I'm to go do that. So I, from just from personal experience being on the other end of it, I know followups work because it's, it's worked on me plenty of times. But I think for me, when I've done cold outreach, I kind of ended up getting lazy with it. And a lot of people might fall into that category as well. You send out that first email, don't get a lot of replies back. You get discouraged and say, okay, well screw that didn't work onto the next thing. I like what you're saying there. I mean, followup makes up a good portion of the replies that you're going to get. So don't skimp out on the follow-ups. I think that's very important point. Yeah.
Ty (30:54): And you wouldn't get lazy if you put it all into a software like GMass or Mailshake where it sends it automatically. You know, I understand if you're sending out 50, a hundred emails every day and now I have to do this. Follow-up whatever, it's a tough Mailshake G-mass Lemlist. All these softwares, you get, you load the, you load your prospects into them with the sequence, like five, six emails or whatever it is. And it automatically sends to them. You could say, okay, this email sends this follow-up sends after three days. This one after four days is when after seven days, whatever don't send on the weekends, things like that send between this, um, 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM, for example, while someone is at work, but it sends automatically for you. So you, you might get discouraged, whatever, but you're not going to go stop the email sequence if they don't respond, you know, that kind of clears your head a little bit.
Nick (31:35): Okay. That's perfect. I wasn't using, when I was doing it, mine was more related to like backlink outreach. So I wasn't trying to push a product or anything like that, or try to get on calls. But I was using Yet Another Mail Merge, which was through Gmail, but there you actually have to manually go do the follow ups. And I know personally I would get discouraged by it because then it's like, okay, now we got to go. I reached out to all these people. Now I gotta go follow back up with every single one of them. And there was a little bit of a process with it, but it was ultimately me just being way too lazy. I like the fact that Mailshake and these other tools that you were mentioning, you can set up that whole sequence ahead of time. And then you can, it's kind of on autopilot after that.
Ty (32:15): So rejection's hard, man. I'm not, you know, we've all been rejected by business, girls, whatever, whatever you're into, but everyone's been rejected. And I think these, these different software automates rejection, basically they're, they're, Mailshake, Lemlist whatever they automate rejection. Um, and I think that's one of the biggest things that does, because you're a salesman you're getting rejected on calls. You're hearing rejected on emails. It's not like it takes an effect on you no matter who you are. So I think just like having it on Mailshake on Lemlist whatever, and it's automated, so you're not even thinking about it. Um, that's just going to provide you a lot of mental relief.
Nick (32:48): Excellent. Lemlist. Get that one down there too. Yeah. Okay. So I want, I kinda want to transition now into the LinkedIn side of things. Is it the same approach on LinkedIn now as like, are you actually doing cold outreach in the same way that you're doing email outreach?
Ty (33:05): Yes and no. It is a little different. Um, LinkedIn just started on a couple of weeks ago, so this is something new that we've been doing. So we're not experts at it in this, in the slightest. And I'm actually trying to reach out to people who do this as a living, in get their help in terms of consultations and things like that. Um, but in two weeks we have had some success with it. So, um, you need a great profile. That's number one, that's, that's a no brainer to put it. You need to be putting out great content. Five times a week is good. You know, get up at six, seven in the morning and use hashtags that are frequently widely used. And if it gets a lot of likes, like 10, 15 likes in the morning. Like it has a good potential because it's the first, you know, there's a lot of different things with the LinkedIn algorithm.
Ty (33:40): But if you're there, if you're the first there every day, there's just more of a chance for people. When they wake up, they go to work, they see your content, they interact with it. So then it'll just keep getting pushed and pushed. But yeah, in terms of the outreach, what we do is, you know, we have a target target prospects in different niches and we do 25 personalized connection requests every single day. And this is just like, hi name. And then it's just a compliment, a comment or compliment about them. It's very easy to get something from their LinkedIn, whether it's about them or their company. And then it's just like either let's connect or we ask them a question, right? And we start a real conversation. Those two ways have been working really well, where we're currently split testing them to see which way works better.
Ty (34:17): And we're always split testing emails and LinkedIn outreach messages and things like that. But the thing is with LinkedIn, like, okay, you either, you want to do the cold email first to the person, the sequence or the LinkedIn connection, whatever the end result is, if they don't, you know, if they don't become a client, you're going to be connections on LinkedIn. And then you're putting out really great content in your space. That's geared towards them. And there are a lot of, tons of people are active on LinkedIn. You want to make sure your prospects are pretty active on LinkedIn. Every day they're going to log into their LinkedIn and see your fire-ass content that you're putting out and just put out case studies and like, Oh, I just, you know, this client, we've had all this success with this client and you know, you're a real person they're going to connect with you without even talking to you.
Ty (34:53): So you're in their sphere of influence without doing any extra work. You don't have to email them personally again, you don't have to do all those things. And it's just a great way to get inbound leads from those people who maybe you did email did reach out to and and to get inbound leads from people who you don't know. You know, who've, you've never talked to, they reach out to you, they see your content or they see you commenting 30 times a day on LinkedIn. Yeah. I mean, I've talked to people on, you know, they'd been on LinkedIn for 12 to 16 months. They're coaches one, one's a coach. He coaches like entrepreneurs, business owners. And then one is in the recruitment industry and he's like a head Hunter. He finds people in certain positions and looks up with companies and fills their, um, the role that they need. But basically they've been on LinkedIn for 12 to 16 months posting every day, interacting with content, you know, posting great content, just getting, doing personalized requests, connection requests. They get like two to five inbound leads every single week for about an hour to two hours a day of work. After a year you're getting two to five inbound leads requests like leads every week. That's a great ROI. I mean, you just have to be selling a good product or service that's high ticket, but that ROI is crazy. So it's well worth it.
Nick (35:57): Something I, cause I've been dabbling in LinkedIn. I haven't fully dived into it yet, but something that I have noticed, that's kind of interesting and kind of supports the case that you're making with LinkedIn. Their algorithm is way different than Facebook or Twitter or Instagram because I've seen posts come up through my feed. That might be five days old, seven days old. And I didn't see them the first time. And now they're getting thrown in my lap a week later, you're putting out content consistently. And like you said, finding the optimal times to post where you are getting some engagement on there. Even if you are kind of chatting with someone or you've made connections with someone and they don't see your content upfront right away, there's a good chance that they will see it a couple of days a week, two weeks, whatever down the road. And I mean, I think that's amazing because no other social media platform has that kind of functionality if they miss it the first time it's gone. So I think that's an awesome reason why LinkedIn is the platform to be on right now.
Ty (36:53): I mean, if you're in the B2B space with a high ticket product or service, you're missing out on LinkedIn, I mean there's companies out there that they could do the content marketing for you. I mean, really you could just pay them. If you, if your services high-level high ticket, you can just pay them and they could kind of build a brand, do a made for you brand there's companies out there that do the outreach for you. Like, so like if you're a company looking for money to invest, those are two great ways to, to invest your money. But if you're more of someone that's bootstrapped, that's a great way to spend your time. LinkedIn outreach, especially 25 a day. Don't do too many because LinkedIn is going to, you know, we got locked out of our account yesterday, kinda messed up, but don't send too many messages a day.
Ty (37:29): Don't do too many connections a day. Um, LinkedIn, you know, they have their algorithm, whatever. They have a whole team that kind of monitors that, um, making sure people aren't abusing the platform. But yeah, there's also great software that you could use. There's a, there's something called Expandee. Um, there's something called a Ulinc and it's like, Mailshake, it's like Lemlist, but for LinkedIn to where, okay, you can plug in start campaigns. Yeah. You can do campaigns and we can do personalized messages. You can keep track reply rates and open rates and key in, um, connection, accept, rate, acceptance rates and things like that for LinkedIn. So we started experimenting with those, I think last week, late last week. And that's been really fun so far. I think that's definitely going to become a, a big, big part of what we do.
Nick (38:05): Essentially. And I've, I've not heard of either of those. I didn't realize that was something that existed. Yeah.
Ty (38:10): You link with a C so U L I N C I think .com.
Nick (38:16): I'll be able to find it. The links will be in the show notes, just like all this other stuff. Cool. Cool. One thing that I think would be interesting. I don't know if you guys are trying to, right now, obviously you're a little bit more geared towards the small, medium businesses sized businesses, but I had a couple of people reach out to me on LinkedIn through video and video. It's actually been a pretty big topic on previous episodes of the podcast recently. And the people that send me personalized videos, like reaching out, talking to me, it completely blows me away every time. Like I'm never expecting it. And I do get solicited on LinkedIn quite often. So when I do stumble across those and it's like, you can tell this is a genuine person on the other end of it. It completely blows me away. And I'm much more open to engaging with that person. I think it's, it kind of goes similarly with how you were talking about the emails, having that personalized line, that first line, trying to build some kind of connection between the person on the other end of video. If you have the resources and the time to do it, that might be a really great way to build that connection.
Ty (39:18): Yeah, I think so too. I mean, you know, you're writing, you're writing, so I think reaching out, you don't want to do a video, but if you, if someone responds or if someone just accept your connection request, you know, you know, you guys can message back and forth doing video or even voice message is super powerful because you con you wanted those. You want those pattern interrupts, you know, things like saying, I love you at the end of an email. Maybe just make them think like, what, what are you talking about? And it makes them think, and then it's like, it doesn't look like a sales email and you want, you know, you don't want to look like a salesperson and that's the whole thing you want to look like a friend, you want to look like a genuine person. Like, here's my face. I'm going to say your name in the video.
Ty (39:56): I'm going to talk about you in the video. And, you know, you just have to record them with your iPhone or with your Android or whatever. Quick 30 second video. I think that does make a ton of difference. I mean, it just in my intuition is, is silver and I'm testing is gold, but I think just thinking about it, definitely videos make a ton of difference. I know that voice messages make a ton of difference because we've tested it. Um, but yeah, that's, that's great. And it's definitely something we're going to be looking at and like moving forward here in the next couple of weeks, for sure.
Nick (40:23): I mean, it's, it's obviously going to be the more time consuming route, but I mean, just like writing the personalized lines, you're not shooting a mass email out to everybody with the same generic subject line, the same generic message. I mean, it's, it's going to take some effort on your end as the person reaching out to kind of build that connection. That's where you're going to see the results. So I mean, that little bit of extra effort might make a huge impact on the results you get.
Ty (40:48): It does. It does. I mean, it doesn't take longer than a voice message, you know, you're just, you're just holding your phone up and recording. So yeah, I think that's really great Nick really great strategy.
Nick (40:56): So what else have you seen work as far as when you send out your connection requests, you said you actually send personalized messages, is it very similar, same kind of concept first-line kind of concept that you send through LinkedIn? Or what kind of messages are you sending there when you're trying to make connections?
Ty (41:12): It's pretty much the same deal, but our LinkedIn messages are definitely, at least the initial ones are a lot shorter and sometimes they don't even, we don't even mention what we do, because if you're sending from your account, they're interested in you, they're going to click on your profile and then your profile should be like amazing, you know, just like really well optimized. But yeah, if they accept cool, we follow up like within a week or two, when we kind of get to know them and their business a little bit. And then we make our pitch. If, if we think it, it might work, you know, working with them, obviously take a look at what they do beforehand and really study what they do. But yeah, we get to know him for like two or three messages. We don't try to have like a little like a 20, 30, 40 message back and forth who wants to do that? No one wants to do that. Like if you're going to pitch me, pitch me, you know, so we try to do that. But yeah, there's no, you know, we're, we're playing around with automating stuff. I think the first message is shorter on LinkedIn, but then all the other messages they're similar in concept, you know, they might have a couple of different things with them, but they're similar in concept. What's different about LinkedIn, they just click your profile and they see what you're doing, you know? So that's why your profile is so important
Nick (42:10): Perfect. All right. We are getting pretty close to wrapping up here. Um, just on a side note here. Um, is there anything else specifically that you think would be good or important that you'd like to cover before we kinda start pulling this together?
Ty (42:24): I mean, if you're doing like cold emails at mass, like if you're, you know, you have a thousand prospects, 2,00 5,000, whatever, even three, 400, um, get multiple domains. So you don't want an email from your domain. You want to get, so if my email is shutdownemails.com, I might create reachshut down.com, getshutdownemails.com, shutdownemails.co, .io or whatever. Don't use .biz don't use .info. Obviously don't use .org, it's a nonprofit, but you know, .biz and .info are just not trustable, trusted domains. If someone sees that they're going to be like, this is a scam. So you want to use.com.net.co. Those are always good. Um, reroute those to your main domain. So if they, you know, they look you up, okay, reach, shut down, emails.com. I looked that up. You can look it up. If you do, you're going to go to our shutdown, emails.com, domain reroute those, and then, you know, send emails from those domains.
Ty (43:13): Don't send it from your main domain, because if you're sending a lot of cold emails, especially if some of them get bounced, some of them get reported as spam, which shouldn't be happening. If you're doing it correctly, a much, your email will get blacklisted. Eventually you'll burn it out. And then I don't know if you haven't police on that domain. I don't know if you have, if that's your domain that you're using for your, for your website, but you don't want to play around with that, you know? And then all of the emails that you and your employees are gonna S are sending, you are going to go to spam, which, you know, that's a big hassle. It's a pain in the ass.
Nick (43:40): It's I can, I can speak to that from experience. So I actually, I switched, I switched hosts. I was originally in Bluehost. I switched to A2, so I could have a dedicated IP address. Well, I switched to that in June or July and turns out there was another company or website that had that IP address before I got to it. And they ended up having it blacklisted. They sent out a bunch of spam emails. So I got, I didn't even realize it until recently. I noticed my emails. Weren't reaching people. They'd be following up with me and be like, Hey, you said you were going to reach out. I haven't heard from you. So I started sending emails, myself, see what happened? Every single one of them was going to spam. And I was like, Oh my God, doing some digging and doing some research. It was like, yep, you're on this blacklist, blacklist blacklist. It's like, geez. So I, it wasn't even something I could've done specifically, but I'm still working through that right now. It is a huge pain in the.
Ty (44:31): Sorry to hear about that.
Nick (44:31): So yeah, it's a really good tip.
Ty (44:33): Yeah. I mean, if you want to test your domain to Lemlist, you can use their Lemwarm feature that warms up your domain. If your emails are going to spam, be able to see, and also Glock apps. There's this website, Glock Z, Z, G L O C K a P P S I think.com. And they have a lot more intricate domain testing that you can do. And you just get one account. You can test up to like a hundred domains or something, and it's like a monthly subscription. You can get like really detailed info and fix it. You know, if your domain, if something is going to spam, you could fix it. You can figure it out from, in Glockapps is really great with that.
Nick (45:05): Perfect. Man, dude. You got, you have all the tools and software. And I love it. I guess that comes back to the systemizing and the processes and everything you got, you got this down,
Ty (45:18): Man. The SAS industry loves us, we're it's biggest customer. So, you know, give us more and more.
Nick (45:25): I love it all, but it's my biggest distraction,
Ty (45:29): It really is, man. Don't get it to, you know, keep it simple. That's another thing. Keep it simple. Don't over-complicate things. Um, you know, a lot of the software, you can just turn it should, it should help you. So if you're at a point where, you know, I know as a producer growing up, if you had all these plugins and left and right, whatever, like a hundred plugins, 50 plugins, you might as well just have three or four plugins, you know? Cause you don't, you learn those in and out and you don't get distracted. So it's the same type of deal with, with SAS.
Nick (45:52): Absolutely. All right, man. Any last minute tips you want to leave for people that are interested in getting in, we talks about obviously the multiple domains, which I think is a very good tip. Um, yeah. Anything else you want to leave the listeners with before we wrap up here,
Ty (46:06): One thing is just learn how to write your emails. And I think that's a really big thing that people are. Some people just don't understand, really learn. Cause that's what you're selling, right? You're selling a service. Your services is really writing the email, sending the emails is the easy part, getting the software, whatever, but writing them, making sure you know how to, you know, right. Like the ins and outs of writing emails, keeping it simple in terms of behavioral, behavioral, um, human behavior and psychology. You want to know how humans work. You want to not like take it serious, like do consultations with your niche, spend a little bit of money up front. Can you get way better results for you and for your clients? That's such an important part of what we do. You want to learn what your niches Pain points are before writing the email. So you could use those in the emails. So that's my advice. Definitely tell you seriously, don't just poopoo it. You're not going to get, you might get results here and there. But I think if you take this seriously, you're going to get a lot better results. You're going to have staying power. You're going to do better. And your clients are going to appreciate you more. You're going to get them better results.
Nick (47:01): I love it man. And track. As you're, as you're learning and writing and sending out these emails, track what you're doing so that, you know, you can come back and you have statistics and numbers behind what's working and what's not working.
Ty (47:14): Yeah. AB test. It's pretty simple. I mean, AB test create a Google sheet for it. Create a whole process for it in your CRM, have your, you know, VA's whatever your, your whole team, admin assistants, whatever, execute it and always be testing. Test the subject, test the hi, Hey, name, whatever, test up per the first line. The different types of things you're saying, there it test the CTA. Um, just always be testing. You always, always want to be optimizing what you do so you can get better results. I think it's just, you always want to keep getting better and better and better at whatever it is you do. I mean, that was the same kind of mindset we had in the music space. So we're just taking it over here to the email space. Great.
Nick (47:50): Now, where can people get in contact with you? Whether it's social media or your website, people want to find out more about cold email outreach, or maybe they want to bring you on and hire. You can take care of their lead gen, where do you want people to go to get in touch?
Ty (48:06): So in terms of that, um, Shutdownemails.com. You know, it's spelled just like our sounds shutdownemails.com is our website. Keep it simple. You can book a call with me on the bottom of the website. Um, and then in terms of finding me, I'm on Twitter @theTyFrankel, I'm on Instagram @theTyFrankel. Don't really use Instagram. I'm using a lot. I'm actually using Twitter a lot lately. I'm putting out like tons and tons of content on there in forms of like long-form threads. That's a great place to get in touch. Shoot me a DM. Um, on LinkedIn Ty Frankel, you know, there's another lawyer on there. That's stealing all my SEO, but I'm the young dude with the emails. So you know who it is. Like the dude's a lawyer from Phoenix. Who's my whole life man. He just takes, takes and takes all my SEO. So.
Nick (48:49): Trying to steal the thunder.
Ty (48:51): Right, right, right. Yeah. So you can hit me up on LinkedIn, Twitter, shoot me email Ty@shutdownemails.com. And I'm not going to give my phone number out because I know how that one goes. I don't want to change it.
Nick (49:06): We'll leave that off for sure.
Nick (49:08): Well, awesome. Man. Just like every little link in this episode, all the tools and resources that we discussed, all of Ty's, links, and ways to get in contact him will be on the show notes page as well. So if you're looking to reach out, make sure you go check out that show notes page. All right, Ty, I want to thank you for coming on, man. This was a very informational episode. I had a really good time.
Ty (49:30): Thank you so much, Nick. Seriously, man. It was a pleasure.
Nick (49:32): Absolutely. Thank you.
Nick (49:33): All right. That's the interview with Ty Frankel. Just like many of the other guests I've brought on the show. The strategies we talked about in this episode actually work. The difference between success and failure is your willingness to put in the necessary effort up front in follow through. There's never going to be a quick and easy route to success.
Nick (49:52): And the sooner you can start making the little steps in the right direction. The quicker success will come. The show notes transcript and all the links discussed in this episode can be found on the website. And the show notes for this episode specifically can be found at ninefivepodcast.com/episode23. Like we just talked about earlier, taking those little steps are going to be what move you in the right direction towards success. And this is something that I really need to focus hard on as well. Going into this new year is something that I am actually putting a lot of effort into. Now, speaking of the holidays, I know there'll be a lot of listeners that will be out of town, spending time with families over the next week. So we will not be having a new episode next week. We will. However, pick the show back up on December 30th, just before the new year. And in that episode, we'll be recapping the year and some of the biggest highlights from the guests we've had on the show so far. So I hope you have a fantastic holiday. Enjoy your time with your friends and family and remember to stay safe. And we'll catch you guys in two weeks from now, just before New Year's.
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Hosts & Guests
Host – Nick Nalbach
Guest – Ty Frankel
Download the Workbook
Show Notes
Many entrepreneurs and business maketers can get easily frustrated when paid advertising and SEO aren’t yielding the kind of results they expect.
Rather than getting worked up about the failed advertising strategies, why not look to something a little more simple, cold email outreach.
In this episode with Ty, we are talking about how you can effectively use cold email outreach AND cold LinkedIn outreach to stand out, even when reaching out to someone who has never heard of you before.
What is Cold Email Marketing?
Cold email marketing is where you search and find prospective leads online and reach out to them through email.
This is considered “cold” because in most cases, these companies and individuals that you’ll be reaching out to have never heard of you or your business before.
Typically this type of outreach is intended to get prospective clients to book a call or show a level of interest in what you’re email them about.
Cold email is NOT intended to close a sale.
In the episode, Ty actually says “You’re never looking for the sale” when it comes to cold email outreach. When you’re reaching out through cold email, you’re simply trying to open up the line of communication and determine if this client is a right fit for your business.
When done correctly, this type of outreach can be highly effective.
How to Write Cold Email
If you want to start adding cold email outreach to your repertoire, you first need to know how to write effective cold emails.
Remember, these people have no idea who you are. If done incorrectly, your email may instantly be deleted, or worse, reported as Spam. If done correctly, however, you may just land that next big sale.
The most effective way to write cold emails is by being:
- Clear
- Concise
- Personal
Have a Clear Message
You need to have a clear message when writing your emails.
What’s in it for you?
And more importantly, what’s in it for them?
Get to the Point
Be conscious of your time and your prospective client’s time.
The last thing anyone wants to do is read through a novel, only to find out they have no interest in your service to begin with.
In fact, Ty says he likes to read the various cold emails that get sent to him, but if the cold email is too long, he sends it straight to trash.
Make Your Message Personal
Yes, creating personal messages for each of the leads that you reach out to will be time-consuming.
But that’s what it takes!
Ty recommends writing personalized “First Lines” for every email you send out.
Before you push send on that email, do a little bit of research on your prospect. What is something they have done that you could provide a genuine comment on?
Bringing up and provided real value to something the individual or company has accomplished shows that you did your research.
You took the time to find out more about this company rather than firing off a generic email to 500 people all at one time – we’ve all gotten those emails before.
This alone is what is going to set you apart from everyone else that is trying to spam and get in contact with these people and businesses.
Using LinkedIn for Outreach
Recently, Ty and his team at Shut Down Emails have been experimenting with cold outreach on LinkedIn in addition to email outreach.
The concept for the outreach on LinkedIn is very similar to the approach with emails, only shorter.
Additionally, Ty said during the initial connection on LinkedIn, they aren’t typically looking for the call.
Here are a few things you should go do right now if you are looking to have an effective cold outreach strategy on LinkedIn:
- Make sure your profile is amazing!
- Use tools like Sales Navigator (on LinkedIn) to find leads
- Reach out for the connect (use the same first line strategy as email)
- AFTER the connection is made, work to book the call
The beauty with using a platfom like LinkedIn, is even if you don’t get the sale or book the call the first go-around, you’ve already established that connection on the platform.
From there, the key is to stay consistent with your content so you’re always showing up and these connections you’ve built will see that.
Your content will start to build trust with the prospective client to where you still have an opportunity to work with them in the future.
Using Both Email and LinkedIn for Cold Outreach
Now, you don’t have to just choose one of these platforms to start doing your cold outreach.
One tip that Ty suggests in the episode is to follow-up with your leads on the various platforms.
For example, let’s say you send out a few emails to potential clients. Now that those emails have been sent, go look for them over on LinkedIn and try to build the connection there.
This increases awareness around you and what you’re doing, and it also opens the door for building that relationship.
This only scratches the surface of what was covered in the show, so make sure you listen to the full episode!
Links & Resources
Note: Some of the links listed below may be affiliate links. This means I will receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you choose to purchase through them.
- Follow Ty Frankel on Twitter
- Connect with Ty on LinkedIn
- Follow Ty on Instagram
- Visit Shut Down Emails
Tools for Systemizing
Tools for Cold Email
- Find email with Rocket Reach (Hunter.io is a freemium alternative)
- Set up email sequences for outreach with Mailshake
- Alternative: GMass
- Alternative: Lemlist
- Alternative: Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM)
- Test your domain with GlockApps
Tool for LinkedIn Outreach
- Learn more about LinkedIn Sales Navigator
- Try Expandi for LinkedIn outreach and follow-ups
- If you haven’t done this already, you can leave a review of the Nine-Five Podcast over on iTunes
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"The value you provide to others directly correlates to your success. The more value you provide, the more successful you become. Focus on the value!"
- Nick Nalbach
I am an entrepreneur and adventure enthusiast, looking to break free from the Nine-Five grind. I'll show you what has worked and is currently working for me, as well as what hasn't worked so well.
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- Nickhttps://ninefivetofreedom.com/author/ninefivenal/
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